Art by Brahm Revel
As I'm only half-way through the pile of comics I bought this week, and it's quite a strong stack, it's too early to declare this book the best one of the week, but the bar has now been set pretty damn high.
This is a movie adaption, but as I'm not likely to see the movie, I'm approaching it as an original piece of work. As with 'The Last Winter', also a film by Glass Eye Pix, the producers have hired Brahm Revel to illustrate their film in graphic form. That has its positives and negatives: it means fantastic art, but it also means a longer wait between issues of the sublime 'Guerillas'.
This story consists of young Arthur Blake filling the last few hours before his execution for grave robbing in conversation with a priest who wishes to learn of his misadventures in that shadiest of industries. What makes Blake's tales most compelling is that he and his partner specialized in procuring the bodies of the undead; vampires, zombies, and once even an alien fall into their purview.
The story is witty and quick-paced, and ably illustrated by Revel. It's nice to see his work in full-colour for a change. I know zombies have become incredibly played out, but this is a unique comic with a few interesting twists along the way (and one incredibly obvious one). Highly recommended. In fact, everyone should buy two copies, so that Revel can head back to working on Guerillas!
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