Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Capote in Kansas

Written by Ande Parks
Art by Chris Samnee

I should preface any discussion of this book by saying that I've barely read any Capote - just a short story or two, and before reading this today, have never felt any interest in reading "In Cold Blood." Now I do though....

This graphic novel is the story of Capote researching "In Cold Blood". When this book opens, Capote is out with some friends, including Norman Mailer, and is debating whether or not he wants to travel to Kansas to research the murder of the Clutter family (who are dispatched at the very beginning).

What follows is an accounting of the slow process by which Capote, a New York dandy if there ever was one, is able to win over the help, if not the respect, of the agent in charge of the case, and the two murderers themselves.

Parks freely admits in his afterward that much of his work here is fiction. He gives Harper Lee (of "To Kill a Mockingbird" fame) a much smaller role than she had in reality, and has Capote imagine lengthy conversations with the oldest Clutter girl. I'm not sure how much of the relationship he has with the two murderers is factual, but ultimately, it doesn't matter, because this novel stands on its own as a compelling story of a writer trying to understand evil.

Parks script is pitch perfect here - especially the little bons mots that Capote keeps dropping - and he gives Samnee plenty of room to illustrate an emotional story. Recommended.

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