Friday, January 9, 2009

Jonah Hex #39

Written by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti
Art by Rafa Garres

For the last few issues, I've felt like Jonah Hex has been stagnating somewhat. The stories have been referring back to other issues, and I've been getting bored with the art by Jordi Bernet.

This issue is a return to form. It's a nasty tale of temperance, escaped convicts, frightened deputies, and shot-glass checkers. Actually, the story's not all that great, but the art of Rafa Garres is what makes this issue so interesting.

His characters are ugly, and slightly misshapen, and his panels long and narrow, sometimes obscuring some of the action. The entire issue is coloured like the cover - in a sepia-tone that is reminiscent of old film stock, making this issue read like an old Spaghetti Western. Motivation and character development aren't all that important in this comic - it's all about getting down to the shooting, and as usual, Hex delivers.

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