Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Hellboy Project: Hellboy Vol. 4: The Right Hand of Doom

by Mike Mignola

My little 'Hellboy Project, where I read a story or chapter of a large story every day, in the order in which they were originally published, is coming along quite well.  I find myself looking forward to reading the next piece of the larger story Mignola has been weaving for the last fifteen years.

This book is a collection of short pieces, with one longer piece (Box Full of Evil).  The stories are divided between Hellboy's early and middle years, before coming up to the present-day.

Many of the stories come from Mignola reworking old traditional stories, including both Japanese and Norwegian folklore.  These are always of more interest to me than the stories that seem to revolve around Hellboy's demonic origins or his 'true purpose' on Earth.  While those are good too, I find I prefer the stories where he is just who he is, and we don't have to worry too much about backstory.  I get the feeling Hellboy prefers those stories too.

It's interesting to watch as Mignola developed into a more self-assured author, and I like how many of the stories in this book paid careful attention to architecture and statuary.  I have also noticed how often Hellboy or other characters fall through floors in these stories.  I think I would be very cautious walking anywhere, had I had half the experiences Hellboy has had.

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