Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Crate Digging: Walking Backwards

by Clutchy Hopkins

The first official Clutchy Hopkins album was my introduction to this elusive and unique artist.  His method of constructing sonic landscapes using electronic and home-made instruments is an interesting one.  The aesthetic he places his work in is an interesting combination of hip-hop, jazz, and ambient techno.

This album is all over the place.  There are a couple of songs with vocals, such as 'Love of a Woman', but most of the album is instrumental.  At times, a Spanish influence is detectable, while other tracks are virtually crying out for an emcee to lay down some verses over them.

This disk comes with an accompanying dvd which is designed to heighten the "Who is Clutchy Hopkins" mystery aspect of the proceedings, and while it's kind of cute, it is secondary to the wonderful weirdness of the album.

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