Saturday, February 6, 2010

Greek Street #8

Written by Peter Milligan
Art by Davide Gianfelice

Saying this is a strange issue of Greek Street is a little like referring to a curry as spicy, totally redundant, but this issue does deviate some from the patterns that Milligan had established for the series.

To begin with, the dancer who usually narrates the story has entered it as a character (not that she does much). Also, Dedalus, the police detective, seems to appear as his original, ancient Greek, self for one scene. Eddie, who I think is our hero, manages to experience one of Cassie's visions, although she doesn't see it herself, and some random Islamist terrorist appears right at the end of the book, with no exposition or proper introduction.

I have found this comic interesting, but sometimes feel it's a little like holding on to a wet eel.

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