Friday, September 4, 2009

The Last Resort #2

Written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray
Art by Giancarlo Caracuzzo

The zombie genre has become a little played out the last couple of years, but this comic can be seen as a master class in how to combine a disaster movie with a zombie comic, and create one hell of a good read.

The various characters who last issue took a flight to the Caribbean during a hurricane, must now make their way from their burning airplane into the airport's terminal. Along the way, they deal with explosions and shrapnel. That's just about it for this issue. Slowly, it dawns on them that there are other destroyed planes on the runway, and that there are heaps of abandoned luggage and bloodstains in the terminal. They don't realize yet that the island they have landed on has some sort of zombie infestation thing going on - I assume that's next issue.

Meanwhile, we also meet two mysterious people on a wrecked boat, and the rich, potentially mafia-connected playboy and his harem of prostitutes who rescue them. There's something connecting these people to the zombie outbreak, but we don't know what it is yet.

This book has a very deliberate pace to its plot, but it also has plenty of nice character moments. There is a large cast, but most of them are given opportunities to shine. Caracuzzo's art is very nice, and I love the overly stylized Darwyn Cooke cover.

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