Friday, September 11, 2009

DMZ #45

Written by Brian Wood
Art by Ricardo Burchielli

Brian Wood was smart to shift the focus of this series away from Matty, Parco Delgado, and the politics of the DMZ for a few issues. It gave us a chance to look at a few other corners of Manhattan, and it made this new story arc's return to those characters and themes feel both like time has passed, and like they are fresh and new again.

Matty has moved comfortably into his role as Parco's Press Secretary, although he has taken on certain duties that are not normally part of the job description.

In this issue alone, Matty announces the nuclear capability of the Delgado nation to the world's media, has an important meeting at Madison Square Gardens, improves the love life of his security detail, and re-starts the war on drugs. It's Brian Wood's fantastic writing that makes all of this make sense, even if it is an extreme change from the way Matty used to just react to situations around him.

Most interesting to me is the last few pages, and the possible repercussions of what happens there - especially if the Asian-looking guys are Wilson's grandsons, a fact which is not explained. I interpret this scene to mean the end of Matty and Wilson's friendship, strained as it's been of late.

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