Monday, September 7, 2009

100 Bullets Vol. 11: Once Upon a Crime

Written by Brian Azzarello
Art by Eduardo Risso

I haven't much new to say about this book that hasn't applied to the last few volumes. Azzarello has largely abandoned the original concept of the gun and atache case, instead focusing more and more on Agent Graves's manipulations of the Trust, and the Minutemen.

In this volume, more bodies fall, another House loses its head, and people start to switch sides. I particularly like the last few issues, where Graves and Dizzy reminisce about Mr. Shephard, while Roman runs around Rome, dealing with Echo Memoria (who I had mostly forgotten about).

There is one thing I don't get about this book: all the other volumes have had, in their title, some reference to the volume number. Earlier ones simply incorporated the number into the title ("Split-Second Chance"), while some of the later ones became more complex (Volume 10 is 'Decayed', for decade I assume). I'm not seeing it with this volume. Any help?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once means 11 in spanish.