Saturday, May 9, 2009

Jonah Hex #43

Written by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti
Art by Paul Gulacy

This book is made to be drawn by Paul Gulacy, and for the first half of the comic at least, Gray and Palmiotti wisely just let Gulacy's excellent art tell the story of Hex sneaking into a hotel and freeing two kidnapping victims.

From there, the story becomes one of the difficulties in paying for the services of a frightening bounty hunter when the money to pay for the job doesn't exist.

Over the last year, I've gotten a little bored of some of the stories in this book, but ones like this remind me of the potential of this series, and how I admire DCs efforts to stick with it, even though it does not always have the best sales.

This is a quick read, but an enjoyable one.

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