Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Secret History Book 9: The Thule Society

Written by Jean-Pierre Pécau
Art by Igor Kordey

It was a huge surprise to see the newest volume of this series out so soon after the last one.  I guess this is definite proof that Archaia's got their stuff together again, which is great for us.

Now that The Secret History has moved into the twentieth century, the story is slowing down by quite a lot, which only makes sense in that most packed century of human existence.  The Great War is over, and the Archons are now trying to gather up the new rune stones discovered at Kor.  Three of the houses now stand together, while Dyo and William of Lecce unleash the Spanish influenza on the world and build up their semi-secret Thule Society into a pre-Nazi organization.

The Secret History has always been about the power of symbols, so it only makes sense that 20th-Century Germany be the main battleground for what comes next, and that Hitler be a major player, even if he is never mentioned by name in this issue.

Where before I was often unsure of this title, now that it's so firmly grounded in events that are more familiar to me, I find it am enjoying it more and more.  As the pace of the book slows a little, the secondary characters get developed a lot more, and this makes the book more interesting for me.  I hope it sticks to a schedule like this too...

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