Saturday, May 22, 2010

Resurrection #11

Written by Marc Guggenheim and Jen Van Meter
Art by Justin Greenwood and TJ Kirsch

It's hard to find new things to say about the main story in this book every month.  Guggenheim and Greenwood have been very consistent in their delivery of this story, and have been steadily building up their characters (those that survive) as they dribble out information about the Bugs and what they were up to on Earth.

In this issue, Sarah confronts the mutated citizens of Balitmore, and works to free Spock, the only Bug still on Earth from their clutches.

What does stand out month after month in this comic are the back-up stories.  This issue has a great story written by Jen Van Meter (whose superhero stuff I find pretty hit or miss) and TJ Kirsch, an artist I'm not familiar with.  It's about a group of 'high school nerds' who end up trapped in the school at the time of the invasion, and who have built their own little commune in the building, based on equality and exacting rotating work schedules.  When the guy who trapped them in the school shows up, a person they have built into the status of a legend for their children, everyone reacts differently.  I have always loved post-Apocalyptic kind of stories, especially when they focus on the daily life of survivors.  This story was exactly the type of thing I enjoy the most.

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