Sunday, April 10, 2011

Freakangels Vol. 3

Written by Warren Ellis
Art by Paul Duffield

I'd more or less forgotten about Freakangels, Warren Ellis's webcomic, until I found this book in a used book store a few weeks back.  I'm not good with webcomics - I don't really like reading them on the computer, much preferring to see the actual book, and be able to hold it in my hands.  Is Ellis still working on this?  It's not like him to stick with something, but I'm glad he is.

Freakangels is about a group of twelve 'special' people who were all born at the same time.  Eleven of them have set up shop in Whitechapel, and are trying to get a community up and running after something happened to the world.  Whatever the ecological disaster was, it's left most of London under water, and has dismantled civil society.

In this volume, a recent new arrival turns up murdered, sparking an investigation by Kait, the member of the group who has taken on policing duties.  While this is happening, the others discover that Luke has been using his mental powers to have his way with some of the women who live in Whitechapel.  The rest of the book covers the conversations the angels have about what to do with him.

Ellis is taking his time with this story, and he works at a speed that is almost beyond decompressed.  The characterizations are stronger than what we usually see in an Ellis story though, and it is impressive to see how he finds a role for each member of such a large cast.

Paul Duffield's artwork is incredible.  He has all of the angels look similar, yet still be distinct, and he does a terrific job of constructing the post-civilized world of Whitechapel.  This is a very good read.

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