Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Misled Children Meet Odean Pope

This album represents a fruitful partnership between Clutchy Hopkin's proteges, the Misled Children, and Odean Pope, a Porter Records jazz musician, who contributes his excellent horn playing over the Children's instrumentation.

The album is beautiful. The earlier tracks display the hip-hop roots of the group, especially on 'Four Track', but as the album progresses, it becomes increasingly haunting and atmospheric. By working with Pope, the Misled Children are able to add to the sound they created on 'Peoples Market', making it deeper and richer.

This album credits Clutchy Hopkins simply for 'musical input', but his sound is all over this album. Interestingly, a Lucinda Hopkins is also thanked - perhaps adding more to the mystique that is Clutchy (or at least, the invented mystique, because I don't know how many people really care).

This is a very strong album, and I would like to see more work of this type coming from Porter Records.

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