Saturday, February 28, 2009

Battlefields: Dear Billy #2

Written by Garth Ennis
Art by Peter Snejbjerg

This continues to be one of the better war stories Garth Ennis has written, as he focuses on a British nurse in India who has fallen for a British pilot. The story is told from the point of view of a letter she is writing him, in which she reveals her secrets and actions, which at this point, consist of her murdering any injured Japanese soldiers she can safely gain access to.

This is a form of revenge for her, and it is interesting that there is no real catharsis in it. She marvels at her lover's ability to compartmentalize his feelings about the war and the enemy, especially given the rough treatment that he suffered at the Japanese's hands.

The art in this book continues to be phenomenal, as Snejbjerg is doing some of the nicest work of his career.

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