Monday, May 16, 2011

Elephantmen #31

Written by Richard Starkings
Art by Axel Medellin

I get that Richard Starkings is trying, after so many years, to make Elephantmen accessible to new readers, but I'm not sure why that has to come at the expense of moving the story forward.  We are treated to a long conversation between Sahara and Mister Purchase, the fiancee and 'fixer' for the Kingpin-like Obadiah Horn where they discuss Horn's evolution from Mappo soldier to 'businessman'.  It's just so out of character for Purchase, or even more naive than we've ever seen Sahara.

Otherwise, it's a decent issue, with fantastic art by Axel Medellin.  When he started on the book, he was very good, but with each new issue he completes, his art gets even better.  His work here is more rich and nuanced than we've seen before.  I can't tell is Medellin is doing his own colours on this book, as credits are always a little murky on this title, but they are just as fantastic as the art.  I love the way light gets used in the scene where a drug dealer kills one of the Elephantmen.

I see that this current 'Man and Elephantman' arc is set to end with the next issue.  As the drug concept has barely been touched upon in this issue, I don't see how that will happen, but Starking has always had a very loose respect for the industry standard approach to story arcs, so it's all good.

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