Saturday, June 13, 2009

DMZ #42

Written by Brian Wood
Art by Ryan Kelly

Having finished his arc on Northlanders, Ryan Kelly has now come over to the DMZ for three issues, which is fantastic news. Wood and Kelly are an amazing team, and do some of their best work when they are together.

This story arc is concerned with the gas-masked militia that have been seen time and again throughout the course of this series. They live in the Empire State Building, and spend their days attending group therapy sessions, and patrolling the city. The narrator, a former police or other type of first responder, shows us what life is like within this death cult. The story is narrated from a later point, by which he has developed a large amount of disillusionment with the cult.

This issue gives an impression of peeking back into the beginnings of the series, and helping to explain some of the background that has been supporting the entire story all along. It leaves us with a number of questions - most importantly: who is giving the orders in this group, and what is their ultimate goal? I look forward to finding out.

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