Friday, April 29, 2011

Morning Glories #9

Written by Nick Spencer
Art by Joe Eisma

Since this series started, one of the supposed main characters has remained in the background, little more than a cipher until this issue.  Now Spencer has shone the spotlight on Jun, the quiet Japanese student at Morning Glory Academy, and there are a few surprises for the reader.

The book opens with a scene that we have seen before (around about the fourth issue I think), but which was never resolved.  Jun had tried to escape the school shortly after he and his classmates arrived, and was stopped by someone, although we never knew who it was.  Last issue, we discovered that Jun had either a twin brother or a double roaming the school, and now all of these things are explained.  Okay, maybe not completely explained, but definitely hinted at, as some aspects of the book continue to become ever more confusing.  Really, it's impossible to discuss this without spoiling a ton of good comics.

What I will say is that Spencer is spinning a very complicated and interesting tale with this series.  I've mentioned before how much this comic reminds me of Lost, and now I seem to be constantly looking for parallels when I read it (Jun = Jin?).  The character of Abraham, who I see as taking on a "Jacob-like" role here has his relationship with the Academy somewhat clarified, and we get a really strong sense of Jun's character.  This is a pretty harsh issue, but quite illuminating.  People really need to be checking out Morning Glories.

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