Thursday, April 28, 2011

Case Files: Sam & Twitch #14-19: Ancient Chinese Secret, Huh?

Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by E. J. Su

And with this arc, I feel myself losing interest in Sam and Twitch.  Originally, the Bendis issues worked well, because of the focus on police work, no matter how spectacular and strange it became at times.  The police procedural is a well-loved genre, and while I appreciate Andreyko's efforts to subvert and play with the tropes of that genre, something didn't really work in this arc.

The story has the two detectives investigating a string of murders that appear to have been perpetrated by vampires.  Their suspect is a Chinese importer (all importers are evil - we know this, right) who is supposed to be an old woman, despite her appearing young and vital.  Things get steadily weirder, and Andreyko pulls one cool misdirection, and another that plays out as incredibly silly (I don't want to give either away, despite the fact that these comics are six years old).

All of this sounds cool, but the usual chemistry between these two detectives is missing, and they seem to be reduced to bumbling Keystone Kops.  Also, the art in this arc doesn't work for me.  Su is a fine artist, but his pages are thick with black ink, and open empty spaces.  It's a little like reading Sam and Twitch: The Manga, and again, it just doesn't fit with the aesthetic that had been established for this book.  One arc left, although I still need to hunt down one issue before I can read it...

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