Friday, June 19, 2009

Air #10

Written by G. Willow Wilson
Art by MK Perker

I've always found Aztec history to be quite interesting, even though my knowledge of it doesn't extend much past Galeano's 'Voice of Fire' trilogy and a few other random books.

In this issue of Air, we meet Luc, a teen boy studying for the priesthood, and Yaotl, his teacher. They are in Aztlan, back in 1063, long before the Spanish invasion, something they become aware of through the Nahui, or the Fourth, which we've come to know as the Hyperprax device. When Luc looks into the device, he sees Blythe, and her tribulations in the here and now.

This issue is basically Air taking a breather, and providing more context to the concept of Hyperpraxis, and the idea that words came before matter. I'm curious to see how this is all going to fit in to the main story.

Perker's art keeps improving, especially when it comes to depicting character's expressions and moods. Luc is portrayed with a wide-eyed wonder, and Perker adds dimensions to his character.

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