Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Morning Glories #10

Written by Nick Spencer
Art by Joe Eisma

If there's one thing you can count on Morning Glories for, it's that you aren't going to see where things are going.  Lately, each issue of the book has been focusing on one particular character, and like an episode of Lost, filling in their back story through flashbacks while still moving the main plot of the series forward.  The Lost comparison seems so apt, as lately there's been a Jacob-like character who we've learned has visited most of our 'Glories' when they were younger.

This issue though, focuses on Jade, the least well adjusted of our cast (and that's saying a lot).  From the start, Jade has had the most difficulty with the whole 'stuck in a school where the teachers are trying to kill you' weirdness of this book (which perhaps makes her the most normal).  In this issue, it is a little hard to distinguish between what is happening in reality and what Jade is dreaming, as she makes a couple of odd decisions, and perhaps meets her future self (instead of Jacob?).

I feel like, by now, we should have a clearer image of what is going on in this comic, but as long as Spencer uses words like 'Plathesque', I'm not going to complain about anything.  This book is bizarre and wicked fun.

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