Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Scalped #53

Written by Jason Aaron
Art by RM Guera

This is a big week for writer Jason Aaron, as both his Wolverine & The X-Men and Incredible Hulk debut, but this is the book that deserves the attention.  Without Scalped, and, I assume, his brilliant The Other Side, Aaron would not have broken into the big time at Marvel.  Also, though, without Scalped, I wouldn't have spent the last four plus years really digging the story potential of a small, run-down reservation in Nebraska.

Scalped is nearing its end, but it still has plenty of chances to surprise.  I never would have thought that Sheriff Karnow would become one of my favourite characters, but as Aaron has him continue on his journey from lazy blowhard to actual lawman, I find myself liking the guy more and more.  I loved his confrontation with Agent Nitz this issue, as he starts his own one-man crusade to take down Lincoln Red Crow and his organization.

The real surprise of this issue though is that he arrests Shunka, Lincoln's right-hand man, sociopath, and closeted homosexual.  Shunka's become pretty complex over the last year, and his motivations in this issue (especially in resolving a scene I don't want to spoil) are just as complicated.  Less gray are Dash Bad Horse's motivations, as he continues his hunt for justice.

There are a lot of threads converging in this book now, and it is making me appreciate the character work we've seen so far in this series.  It's always one of the best books month in and month out.  Also, how gorgeous and cool is Jock's cover?

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