Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Girls Vol.4: Extinction

by The Luna Brothers

Girls is easily the best work the Luna Brothers have done.  While I really enjoyed Sword, this series, and this volume in particular, is amazing.

This title was pretty strange from the start.  A naked woman appears in a small town, has sex with a local loser, and almost immediately begins laying eggs.  Within a few hours, these eggs have hatched more identical women, who alternately hunt and kill the local women, or try to copulate with the local men.  Oh, there's also a large glowing sperm in a cornfield that eats the dead women of the town, and an impermeable force field surrounding the whole town.  The residents of Pennystown and its environs have to try to work together to survive.

And that's where things get really interesting, because these people are all nursing grudges and dislikes for one another.  As this volume opens, all the hate and animosity has spilled over, as a full-on war of the sexes has erupted.  The women have rid themselves of the men, led by the castrating (figuratively and literally) Nancy, who is a character like few others I've read in comics.  The men seem to be succumbing to their weaknesses all over the place, and Ethan, the more or less main character and sexual partner to the original 'girl' is now going all Baltar on Battlestar Galactica on us, and is having visions of the girl.

This series is incredibly suspenseful and hard to put down.  The art and plotting are just about perfect, and I loved the way that the Lunas fit in so many important character moments and touching scenes amid all the madness.  This is a great comic.

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