Art by Sean Phillips
There is no better partnership in comics today than the one between Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. Their collaborations are always great to read, and push the boundary of whatever genre they choose to work in, be it crime, horror, or any combination of the two. They are probably best known for their crime book, Criminal, which they are going to be returning to on a monthly basis very soon.
First, though, they published this Criminal novella, My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies. It's the story of Ellie, a young woman who has spent her life on the margins of society. Highly intelligent, she's always been drawn to the subculture of street drugs, idolizing musicians and writers who used heroin to fuel their creative fires.
In this slim hardcover, Ellie has been sent to a rehab clinic, where she meets and falls for Skip, a young man who is serious about getting clean, and who is holding on to a few family secrets. Ellie knows that she is going to be trouble for Skip, but she can't quite help herself, and soon the two of them are on the run, and trying to figure out their next steps.
At least, that's what it all seems like on the surface, but because Ed Brubaker is writing this book, there's a lot more going on than just that; I just don't want to spoil things for anyone.
As is always the case, this book is a great character study, and examination of the mind of people who live on the edges, and have to live with the harm they cause. There is a reticence to Ellie from the first page that makes her a very interesting character, and maybe not the most trustworthy narrator.
Phillips and Brubaker work beautifully together, complimenting one another's strengths perfectly. This book is coloured by Jacob Phillips, not their usual collaborator Bettie Breitweiser. Phillips uses more pastel watercolours, and especially in the daylight, gives the book a more optimistic feel.
This was a great comic. I'm excited to see what the duo has in store for us with their new Criminal run, and I'm curious if we will see Ellie again.