Art by Juanjo Guarnido
I read and loved the first Dark Horse Blacksad graphic novel quite a while ago, and for some reason I've really taken my time in getting around to the second one, A Silent Hell (although the third is already in my to-read pile, so that will come a lot quicker).
Blacksad is a private investigator in a world of anthropomorphic animal people. In this issue, he's come to 1950s New Orleans with his reporter friend Weekly, and has been hired by a dying jazz label impresario to track down a missing junkie piano player, who the old man loves as a son (and more than his own son). Very quickly, as this is a fast-moving story, writer Juan Díaz Canales has us immersed in the underbelly of the jazz scene, as the old man's son tries to stop Blacksad, and some very questionable things start happening.
This book is absolutely gorgeous. Artist Juanjo Guarnido employs a watercolour technique that leads to some truly stunning pages. He also takes many, many pages to explain his process and show us a variety of sketches and colour treatments he executed to get the book to look this good. This section would be a real boon to artists just starting out, or ones who are established and want to learn to use watercolours for comics.
I really enjoyed this book, which I devoured in one setting. It gives us an interesting look at New Orleans and its black and creole cultures, and is a master class in pacing and using flashbacks to structure a story. The two short stories added on the end are excellent as well.
I know that there are more Blacksad albums in Europe than there have been published in English, and I'm hoping that more of them will be made available to us.