Art by RM Guera
It's no secret that I love Scalped. It never fails to disappoint, as Aaron continues to spin out his tale of the Prairie Rose Reservation. Over the years that I've been reading this comic, I've come to like a great number of the characters, but my favourite has always been Dino Poor Bear, the teenage father and ex-drug dealer who had his eye plucked out a while back.
When we met Dino, he was simply trying to escape the Res, and was ambivalent about his role as a father. As the series has progressed, Dino has embraced parenthood, and has grown to accept his place in the world, as he tries to walk a more narrow path.
This issue is focused on him, and the feelings he has developed for Carol, who has been living with his family since Granny Poor Bear rescued her from her addictions, and quite likely, suicide. Dino and Carol have been spending a lot of time together, and he is still a boy, so it's natural that his heart has moved in the direction it has. Some of the story beats in this issue - the expensive gift, the 'like a brother' speech - were completely predictable, but still work beautifully in Aaron's hands.
Artist RM Guera has always done a good job on this comic, but he kills it with this issue. The last couple of pages, as Dino walks through the night (and crosses paths with Catcher) are incredible. I'm not sure I could love this comic more than I do.